Russia. The increase of the royalty on gas puts the development of the Urengoi deposit in doubt

The scheduled sharp increase of the royalty on gas may result in the stopping of the development of the Achimovsky occurrence at the Urengoi deposit, which is implemented by Gazprom together with the German Wintershall. The tax policy department head of Gazprom K.Oganyan asserted.  “There may happen the stoppping of the implementation of the development projects of the Bovanenkovo deposit, the 3rd, 4th and 5th Achimovsky occurrence at the Urengoi and Chayandinskoye deposits,” Oganyan said at the hearing in the Federation Council, speaking about an influence of the planned increase of royalty on the sector.

As for the Bovanenkovo and Chayandy, the Russian government prepares proposals on graded tax rate.

translated by Iraida Idiyatova

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