Initial payment for Sukhoi Log is 5 bln roubles

The startup amount of the one-time payment for the use of subsurface resources of the gold ore field of Sukhoi Log (Irkutsk region) will make up 5 billion roubles at the upcoming auction, the head of the Russian Ministry of Natural Resources, S.Donskoi said.

The development of Sukhoi Log requires about 90-100 billion roubles of capital expenses. There is planned the construction of a large mining complex for the production of 80-90 tons of gold and 20-25 tons of silver a year. About 80% of the resources of Sukhoi Log can be developed by the more economical open-pit mining method. The term of open-cut mining will make up 33 years, while the development of remaining reserves by underground mining method – 20 years. There will be produced 2 thousand tons of gold and 500 tons of silver during the period of development of the deposit. It is stated in the materials of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia.

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