NLMK increased the gas cleaning efficiency of blast furnace-4 to 99.7%
NLMK has completed the warranty tests and put into operation a modern aspiration unit with the productivity of 600 thousand cubic m/hour for the casting bed of blast furnace #4 (2.1 mln tons of cast iron).
The new unit that replaced the old equipment will allow to reduce the gross dust emissions of the blast furnace into the atmosphere by almost 22 times and increase the level of gas cleaning to 99.7%.
The construction and assembly works started in 2015. The value of the project made up about 300 mln roubles.
Working on the reduction of the influence on the environment, we implement new technologies and decisions. We apply sleeve filters that allow to significantly increase the cleaning efficiency.
The construction the aspiration system for the casting bed of the blast furnace -4 is one of the projects realized by NLMK in the framework of the Year of Ecology -2017. In total a few large projects in Lipetsk will be realized with the total value of 5 bln roubles.