Rules of the game with the Chinese depend on whether to consider them investors or competitors

Rules of the game with the Chinese depend on whether to consider them investors or competitors, Anatoliy Dzhumaylo columnist of the business department, states.

Russia is extremely interested in co-operation with China,it is counting on Chinese money and actively invites Beijing to participate in the development of investment projects. Moreover, as "the Kommersant" wrote yesterday, the Chinese can even be offered control in strategic fields. Against the background of Western sanctions Russia had to make concessions, but as it turns out, in some cases, not everybody is ready to share in the markets.

Speaking at the Krasnoyarsk Economic Forum, the general director of "UC Rusal" Vladislav Soloviev stated that the embargo on the export of unprocessed raw materials from Indonesia, introduced in January 2014, had not brought aluminium industry the expected results. China, the largest producer in the industry, started substituting the bauxites from Indonesia, which accounted for 60%, with imports from other countries. "Therefore, our efforts should be focused on how to try to spread the practice of Indonesia onto Malaysia to maintain the balance of supply and demand, which is beneficial for Russia in the Asia-Pacific region", - Mr. Soloviev stated (quoted by "Interfax").


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