RZD: export of steel semi-finished goods rose by 10%

​According to RZD, in Jan-August 2015 the loading of mining and metallurgical cargo at the railroads of Russia made up over 163 mln tons or 21% of the total volume of shipped cargo.

“Ore- 44%, ferrous metals -  30%, non-ferrous ore -8%, scrap metal – 6%, coke – 5%. The growth of export supplies made up 2% by all types of mining and metallurgical cargo. It was mainly provided by means of shipment towards sea ports where a 7% growth was noticed against Jan-August 2014. The leaders are the ports of the North- Western (8%) and Azov-Black Sea (+18%) basins.

The volumes of stock materials shipment rose primarily. In Jan-August 2015 the total export of semi-finished goods from Russia turned out to be by 10% more than in Jan-August 2014. Not only stock materials but finished rolled products (+11%) shipment show a positive dynamics. Such results are due to the purchase by Turkey – about 20% of the entire volume of supplies. The fall of the rouble’s rate was the impetus to the export of domestic ferrous metals and simultaneously slowed down the volumes of railway shipment in the domestic market where the total rate of shipment of mining and metallurgical cargo rose by 1%. However, experts call not to make long-term plans connected with export supplies due to a high price competition with China”, “RZD-Partner” says.

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