New owner invests 2.7 billion rubles in Zlatous electrometallurgical plant

The Volgograd metallurgical plant, Krasny Oktyabr has invested about 2.7 billion rubles into the Zlatous electrometallurgical plant (ZEMZ), the Kommersant reports with reference to the company's general director, Dmitry Gerasimenko.

"About 1.5 billion rubles were allocated for social payments - compensation for laid-off employees, as well as for the current staff. 1.2 billion rubles more were invested into current assets of the plant, "- said the head of the enterprise. Today, the complex ZEMZ is 100% loaded, the production of special steel makes up 6 thousand tons per month. The monthly cash turnover is 400-500 million rubles (excluding VAT).

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