Gazprombank restructures the debt of "Mechel".

Gazprombank restructures the debt of "Mechel".

The largest creditor of Igor Zyuzin’s "Mechel" Gazprombank (GPB), to which the company owes $ 1.4 billion and 33.7 billion roubles, was the first of the state-owned banks to restructure its debts. he repayment of the debt will only begin in 2017, at the same time, according to "the Kommersant", the dollar loan of "Mechel" is converted to the rouble.

"Mechel" of Igor Zyuzin (who together with his family holds 67.42% of shares) signed an agreement on the restructuring of the debt of seven holding companies to GPB for $ 1.4 billion and 33.7 billion roubles, the parties stated yesterday. According to the agreement, repayment of the debt will begin in April 2017 with a monthly repayment until April 2020, the rate would be "more than 8.75%", the interest will be capitalized. Prior to that, the average rate of dollar loans of Gazprombank from "Mechel" was 7.5% per annum. Source of "the Kommersant" familiar with the situation adds that dollar debt of "Mechel" will be converted into the rouble.

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