The President of OMK CJSC, V. Markin, spoke about the underwater pipeline projects, the construction of a plant in the USA and high speed railway wheels.

Q: What was particular for the company in 2012?

A: First of all our participation in the largest modern pipeline projects. We were the first of the Russian metallurgical companies to confirm their readiness to produce large diameter pipes for the South Stream route pipeline. OMK already supplies pipes for its underground part.

Last year we produced and shipped a new type of pipes for the “Zapolyarie-Purpe” oil pipeline. The products meet the strictest requirements of quality as it is used in the perma-frost conditions.

2012 was also particular by the launch of the 2nd stage of the Nord Stream gas pipeline in October. We became the first and only Russian pipe company whose products were used in this large international project. In total for the 2 lines of the gas pipeline we dispatched more than 460 thousand tons of pipes, a part of which doesn’t have analogues in the world by their characteristics.

The successful execution of the contract obligations by the Nord Stream contributed to our victory in the other serious offshore projects. These are the “Gulf of Baidaratskaya”, underwater pass from Sakhalin island to the continent in the framework of the project “Sakhalin-Khabarovsk-Vladivostok”, “Dzhubga-Lazarevskoe-Sochi” and the Varandei sea terminal in the Barents Sea.

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