Oil and gas companies of the Khanty-Mansiisk autonomous district actively renew their equipment

The oil and gas companies that work in Yugra, besides the implementation of major investment projects, are closely involved in the the reconstruction of existing facilities and increase their efficiency. This line of work has become a real trend in the current year.

Major projects in the medium term were identified by the companies for some time. But besides strategic directions, the companies invest a lot of money in the renovation of their existing assets. It is this area of ​​activity became prevalent this year. It is noteworthy that this work seriously affects the growth in the oil recovery. Therefore, the production in the district is stable - contrary to the expectations of the sceptics who predicted difficult times for the industry due to lower oil prices.

Vivid examples of the facilities or drilling equipment renovation can be found in almost every company. For example, this year, Burneftegaz (a subsidiary of Bashneft) began introducing advanced technologies in the drilling of horizontal wells. Applying modern drilling schemes, the company significantly enhanced the oil recovery at the Sorovskoye field.

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