NOVATEK looking for consumers in Poland

The largest independent gas producer in Russia, NOVATEK has decided to expand in the Polish market. The company has purchased the LPG sales business from Statoil Fuel & Retail Polska (SF&RP). The volume of this segment in Poland makes up more than 500 thousand tons of LPG per year at the amount of more than 300 million EUR. However, when NOVATEK strengthens its positions at LHG market it can enter Polish LHG market and press Gazprom.

Novatek Polska signed an agreement with Statoil Fuel & Retail Polska about purchase of a part of the business connected with delivery of heating and industrial equipment working on LPG, SF&RP reported. Novatek Polska will obtain rights and liabilities under acting agreements of LPG delivery to the clients of SF&RP who have previously taken such equipment from it on lease.

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