From 2018, Transneft is going to increase the capacity of ESPO by 1.8 times to 67 million tons

From 2018, Transneft is going to increase the capacity of ESPO by 1.8 times to 67 million tons, V. Bronnikov says, the CEO of Vostoknefteprovod LLC, a subsidiary of Transneft. Before the end of 2017, they are going to build 7 oil pumping stations, and 3 of them are currently building in Yakutia. From 2015, 4 stations will be built in the Irkutsk region. The adviser of Transneft President, I. Dyomin says that under the plan that will be admitted in September by the Board of Directors of the company, in 2015 they will start building of 3 oil pumping stations, ## 11,

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