Khabarovsk refinery to start to receive raw materials from ESPO oil pipeline in 2014

The first of two refineries that work in the Far East – the Khabarovsk one – will begin to receive raw materials from the ESPO oil pipeline in 2014. Today, the construction of a pipeline branch with throughput capacity of 5 million tons of oil per year (and with possibility to be increased to 6 million tons in the future) takes place. This was reported at the meeting in the Ministry for Development of Russian Far East today.

The issue on connection of a plant in Komsomolsk-on-Amur to ESPO is considered too. The general agreement with Rosneft has been signed already and design and exploration works have been started. The length of the branch is supposed to be 350 km with throughput capacity of up to 7 million tons. The launch is scheduled for 2017.

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