Gazprom can obtain access to OPAL

There is some progress in the longstanding argument between Gazprom and the European Commission about the access to the full capacity of the eastern branch of Nord Stream Trans-Baltic gas line – OPAL. The regulatory authority can free Gazprom from the Third Energy Package for 22 years. Russian party hopes to complete the negotiations by the end of June and obtain 100% of the pipe by the end of the year. However, experts believe, operation of OPAL will be more expensive than deliveries via Ukraine and can reduce the revenues of Gazprom.

Yesterday,the  Director of European Commission for Energy Philip Lowe reported, Gazprom can obtain preferences for OPAL gas line for 22-year period. During this term the Third Energy Package which doesn’t allow the monopoly to fill the pipe by more than a half won’t be applied to Gazprom. General Director of Gazprom Export Alexander Medvedev confirmed there appeared some progress. “I believe, common sense prevails and we’ll be able to use OPAL facilities to supply our consumers under the contracts signed before implementation of the Third Energy Package”. As told by Medvedev, the company expects the full access to the pipe by the end of the year.

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