Toyota has held audit of production system of NLMK

​NLMK has passed the audit to meet the criteria of production system of Toyota (Total Toyota Production System, Т-TPS). The goal of the audit was the assessment of the efficiency of production system of NLMK and recommendations on its further development.

The production system of NLMK has been implemented at the enterprises of NLMK group since 2013. The system comprises a large number of practical tools and approaches allowing to increase the efficiency of production and business-processes. Their application in 2014-2015 resulted in a positive effect of EBITDA at the volume of $477 mln even taking into account the influence of the negative prices.

The audit of the production system of NLMK to meet the T-TPS criteria was held by the leading experts of Toyota Engineering Corporation and Center of certification TPS (Japan). The functioning of the subdivisions of the blast furnace, steel making and rolling capacities of the plant were checked, the use of tools of the production system of NLMK was assessed, the processes of supply, maintenance and repair of equipment, personnel training, labor and industrial safety were analyzed.

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