Yatsenyuk has determined gas fee for the Ukraine

​Until the end of the year the Ukraine is to borrow $1.3 bln in total so as to load the necessary gas volume into its underground storages, A. Yatsenyuk said.

$500 mln out of this amount is already on the accounts of Naftogas. This amount was issued by Europe to pay for 2 bln cubic m of the Russian gas in the framework of the reached last Friday 3-party agreement between Russia, the Ukraine, EU Commission. Kiev expects $300 mln soon from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, and another $500 mln – from the World Bank.

Further gas loans issued by the international financial organizations are closely connected with each other – the attraction of one leads to the automated approval of another one. Kiev seems to plan to spend these funds only for the purchase of reverse gas from its partners in Eastern Europe.

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