"Gazprom" loses tariff lobby.

FAS wants to deprive "Gazprom" from gas transport privileges.

The combining of FAS and FTS could further weaken the position of "Gazprom" on the domestic gas market. The Anti-Monopoly Service, which should absorb the tariff agency, favours the alignment of tariffs for the transportation of gas, which plays into the hands of independent producers - "Rosneft" and Novatek. If you enter a single tariff, it can even lead to a more rapid reduction in the share of "Gazprom" in the market and exacerbate distortions in the industry.

FAS stood for a single tariff for the transportation of gas pipelines and the "deregulation of other areas", the head of the service profile management, Dmitry Makhonin stated yesterday. FAS is in the process of merging with the abolished Federal Tariff Service, the head of the combined regulator will be the present head of the Federal Antimonopoly Service, Igor Artemyev. According to Mr. Makhonin gas exchange trading, launched in October 2014 should play an important role in the pricing of gas.

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