Gazprom to limit gas supply to three thermal power plants of TGK-2

From July 29th Gazprom mezhregiongas Yaroslavl Ltd has limited the gas supply to the thermal power plants-1, -2, -3 in Yaroslavl working in the structure of TGK-2 OJSC. This decision was made due to the violations of obligations in the contract on payment for the gas by TGK-2.

As of July 18th the debt of TGK-2 for the consumed gas without taking into account the current supplies made up 797 mln roubles. The period of non paying of the debt is more than 3 months.

Previously TGK-2 reported that it had received Gazprom’s notification on the restriction of the gas supply by 10%. At the present time the company doesn’t feel the restriction as it only consumes 85-90% of the planned gas volume due to the repair works, Vedomosti writes. The further reduction of the volumes of consumed gas will negatively reflect on the equipment preparation for winter, will significantly influence on the reliability of the stations’ operation and might lead to the violation of rights of the population and the paying consumers, TGK-2 thinks.

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