Rosneft has started geological exploration in the Barents and the Pechora Seas

Rosneft has started field geological exploration at 5 license sites in the Barents and the Pechora Seas. They are the Western-Prinovozemelsky site in north-eastern part of the Barents Sea, the Perseyevsky site in north-western part of the Barents Sea, the South-Russian, the Southern- Prinovozemelsky and the Western-Matveyevsky sites in the Pechora Sea. They held seismic exploration 3D of 2,800 sq. km at Western-Prinovozemelsky, 2D of 6,500 linear km at Perseyevsky, 2D of 2,000 linear km at Southern-Prinovozemelsky, 2D of 2,000 linear km at Western-Matveyevsky. Besides from that, they are going to hold complex engineering research at South-Russian for the obtaining of the data about the engineering-geological and engineering-ecological conditions of the sites for 2 designed prospecting and evaluation wells; their drilling is planned for 2016-2017.

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