Gazprom is to raise gas exports by1.5 times by entering new markets

Gazprom expects to increase gas export in 1.5 times by entering new markets, CEO of the company A.Miller reported at the annual shareholders’ meeting.

In 2010 Gazprom eported around 140 bln cubic m of gas far abroad.

Miller reminded that in 2010 the plant on condensed gas processing was brought to a new project capacity in the framework of the Sakhalin-2 project and around 60% of processed gas went to Japan. Gas from Sakhalin is exported to South Korea, India and China as well.

According to Miller, these are the countries that Gazprom is actively working with on the long-term contracts.

We are creating new capacious markets for Gazprom and this will allow to increase export of gas by at least in 1.5 times, said Miller though never mentioned the dates.





Translated by: Anastasia Edrenkina

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