About a half of hydrocarbon fields in the Tomsk region are not developed

About a half of hydrocarbon fields in the Tomsk region haven’t been developed; 20% of approved reserves stand idle, the Governor of the Tomsk region Sergei Zhvachkin said.

According to him, on the whole, in 2012 the Tomsk region exceeded average Russian rates in producing sectors – 103.4% against 101.1% in Russia. The industrial production index (102.6%) is close to the average Russian one (102.5%). None the less, he noted that the extraction of commercial minerals in the region is insufficient. “New oil and gas provinces in the Tomsk region are not developed and this influences thet growth of the producing industries in neighboring regions in the east. Only 58 oil and gas deposits (of 129) are developed in the Tomsk region - less, than a half. And 20% of approved reserves in the region stand idle,” – Sergei Zhvachkin said.

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