Evraz and EBITDA

​Evraz has announced of its financial results -2015.

The monetary flow of Evraz in 2015 fell by 21% to $799 mln.

The consolidated EBITDA made up $1.43 bln (2014 - $2.35 bln). A 38.9% fall is caused by the price fall for products. It was partially covered by the reduction of expenditure in dollars due to the rouble’s devaluation as well as the production efficiency rise program and expenditure cutting, the saving on the result of which amounted to $374 mln in 2015.

The net debt of Evraz fell from $5.8 bln to $5.3 bln. PEBITDA profitability made up 16.4% (2014-18%). A 1.6% fall is due to the continuation of the program of efficiency rise and marketing initiatives.

The net loss made up $719 mln (2014 - $1.27 bln) and was caused by the devaluation of assets ($441 mln) and loss from the currency exchange rates ($367 mln). Evraz managed to reduce the price of raw materials for the production of cast iron and steel.

The prime cost of slabs fell from $266/ton in 2014 to $193/ton in 2015.

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