Naftogas of the Ukraine and Smart Maritime Group sign a memorandum of cooperation in development of Chernomornefregas’ fleet

Naftogas of the Ukraine and Smart Maritime Group have signed a memorandum of strategic cooperation, in accordance with which the priority direction of the companies’ cooperation will be the reconstruction and development of Chernomornefregas’ technological fleet, the Nafogas of the Ukraine’s press centre reports.

“According to the memorandum, the priority direction of the companies’ cooperation will become the reconstruction and development of Chernomornefregas’ technological fleet…Besides, within the memorandum the parties came to an agreement to join efforts in the development of the social infrastructure of regions and the creation of additional working places in the oil and gas, and shipbuilding fields,” – the report says.

The signing took place on November 26, 2012. The memorandum was signed by Evgeny Bakulin, the Chernomorneftegas’ CEO, Valery Yasyuk and the Chairman of the Smart Maritime Group’s Supervisory Board, Pavel Konstantinov, transmits.

Translated by Svetlana Kyrzhaly

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