SOCAR has signed a contract for the construction of new units at oil refinery plants

​SOCAR has signed a contract with Axens (France) on the construction of petrol and diesel fuel hydrocleaning units in the framework of the modernization of the Baku oil refinery plant. the contract was signed by the head of the oil refinery plant, E. Ismailov, and CEO of Axens, J. Sentenaque.

The President of SOCAR, R. Abdullaev, said that in the framework of works on the reconstruction and modernization of the oil refinery plant it is planned to increase the plant’s processing capacities within a short time and recover the output of high –quality oil products meeting the Euro-5 standard.

With this goal it is planned to hold the reconstruction of the primary processing units, catalyst cracking units, catalyst reforming units and the general capacities of the plant, construct a few new units, including on the production of bitumen, diesel fuel hydrocleaning, hydrogen production, amine treatment, LPG Merox unit, isomerization unit, hydrocleaning of naphtha and petrol fractions produced by catalyst cracking, sulphur production unit etc. In this connection the works on the licensing of the existing at the plant and projection of future units have started. The result of the held negotiations will be a number of contracts which are planned to be signed in October-November 2015, R. Abdullaev, said.

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