Naftogaz pays for 2 billion cubic meters of Russian gas on winter package

Naftogaz Ukrainy has completely paid for the supply of 2 billion cubic meters of Russian gas under the winter package, it plans to complete their pumping on Saturday, head of Naftogaz Ukrainy, Andrei Kobolev told reporters.

"We have paid all. We bought 2 billion cubic meters (of gas from the Russian Federation), multiply it by 227.36 (dollars per 1 thousand cubic meters) and you’ll get the figure that we paid," - said Kobolev.

"On Saturday, the process of taking of 2 billion cubic meters of gas, provided by the last agreement, signed in Brussels, will be completed , a part of it was used for pumping, and the other part – for the consumption," - said the head of Naftogaz.

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