Results and plans: Rosneft celebrates its anniversary

Tuesday, September 29 is the 20th anniversary of the day, when Rosneft was transformed into a joint stock company. The Government decree № 971 on this issue was signed on September 29, 1995. The company celebrates the anniversary with significant achievements in various areas of its activities. And financial and operational performances of Rosneft speak the best about these achievements.

In 2014, Rosneft took the leading positions in terms of reserves, resources and production of hydrocarbons among the global oil companies. In particular, last year the company produced 204.9 million tons of crude oil and liquid hydrocarbons. At the same time, the average daily production was 4.2 million barrels per day. The production from new fields reached record figures: 22 million tons at the Vankor field, 8.2 million tons for the Verkhnechonskoye field, 10 million tons for the Uvat project.

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