The situation with a deficit of A-92 in Astana to normalize by the middle of October – KMG Өnimderi.

The situation with a deficit of A-92 in Astana will normalize by mid-October, the press service of the LLP "KazMunaiGas Өnimderi" reported to Novosti-Kazakhstan. "It is no secret that there is a definite shortage of AI-92 gasoline at the gas stations due to the fact that there had been no shipments from Russia since September 4th. We believe that the situation should return to normal in the second half of October", - LLP "KazMunaiGas Өnimderi" replied on the request of the agency. The press service confirmed that small volumes shipped with domestic refineries do not fully allow supporting the work of the gas stations. It also added that the company is trying not to violate the obligations under coupons and fuel cards to large corporate clients. "We carry out the delivery of petroleum products under the previously signed contracts as a priority",

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