E.ON Russia has put into operation the 1st energy block of Berezovsky state district power plant after repair

E.ON Russia has put into operation the energy block #1 of “Berezovsky state district power plant” after a planned repair, the company reports.

The planned repair at the energy block #2 goes on. The technical measures should provide a reliable and continuous operation of the electric station at the maximum loading.

The repair program at Berezovsky state district power plant of E.ON Russia will be over in late September.

E.ON Russia OJSC belongs to E.ON Russia Holding GmbH – a 100% affiliate of E.ON SE. the structure of the company comprises 5 thermal electric stations with the total capacity of 10.345 thousand mW. Electric energy generation in 2014 made up 59.238 bln kWh, heat – 2.211 mln Gcal.  

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