E.ON Russia has been renamed into Unipro PJSC

​The Board of Directors of E.ON Russia has decided to rename the company into Unipro PJSC.

At the meeting of the Board the credit limit to be issued by Gazprombank in 2016 was approved – 16.4 bln roubles.

In Q1 2016 E.ON Russia increased net profit under RAS by 34% to 4.93 bln roubles.

E.ON Russia was registered in 2005 in Surgut.

83.7% of the company’s shares are held by E.ON Russia Holding GmbH.

The net profit of E.ON Russia under IAS in 2015 fell by 18% to 13.68 bln roubles against 2014.

E.ON Russia holds 5 stations with the total capacity of 10.345 GW.

The total investment of E.ON into the electric energy sector of Russia before 2015 made up 6.1 bln euro.

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