National holding company of Uzbekistan refutes information about a fire at a gas field

The Uzbek national holding company Uzbekneftegas has refuted information about a fire at one of gas fields that belongs to Mubarek gas-processing plant (a part of Uzbekneftegas), the Trend transmits.

“The information, published in some foreign mass media about fire that allegedly took place at the Mubarek gas-processing plant is untrue. In that case, a gas flow at a well of the Chulkuvar took place and it was eliminated by Uzbekneftegas’ specialists on their own. The Chulkuvar field does not relate to the Mubarek gas-processing plant. There weren’t any victims or injured. Now the Chulkuvar field works in normal mode. Well head equipment was mounted at the well – it allows us to control the flow of gas and to turn it to gas-processing capacities of the company,” – the company reports.

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