Ukraine works in two directions

Ukraine started formalizing the law permitting privatization of the national gas company and lend-lease of the country’s gas transportation system. Kiev says, the amendments are the concession to Gazprom EU, cooperation with which contradicts the interests of Gazprom, calls for the same changes. Thus, though Russian monopoly is waiting for this reform, Gazprom doesn’t treat it as its own benefit mainly due to the fact that the local opposition is going to block the new law.

On Friday Ukrainian Cabinet Council submitted a draft law permitting privatization of Naftogaz of Ukraine and its subsidiaries as well as lend-lease of the gas transportation system and underground gas storages. Acting law prohibits this. It is noted in the explanatory note to the draft law that the amendments are needed in the framework of the liabilities appearing due to joining the European energy community which presupposes separation of the activities of Naftogaz. A source in the company says, introduction of the document has become the result of the negotiations between the Head of Gazprom Aleksey Miller and the vice-PM of Ukraine Yuri Boiko in Moscow last week.

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