Metallurgical goods: what the Ukraine exports

​Top-5 goods that were in demand in 2015.

For the past few weeks the Government actively discussed the issue if to consider the metallurgical sector of the Ukraine as a priority one.

The President Poroshenko complained that this sector stays not a high-tech but raw materials sector. According to the international center of internet trades Allbiz, the Ukraine mostly exports raw materials. The top-5 goods that were in demand in 2015 were the following:

  1. Non-ferrous metal scrap
  2. Aluminium: cast, rolled products
  3. Copper: cast, rolled products
  4. Ferrous metal scrap
  5. Zinc and zinc alloys

Poland turned out to be the most active importer of the Ukrainian metallurgical goods in 2015 – over 40% of orders.

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