In 2014, Alrosa reduced diamond production by 2%

In 2014, Alrosa’s enterprises decreased their diamond production by 2% as compared with the previous year - from 36.9 million to 36.2 million carats. At the same time, the production was by 210 thousand carat more than the previously announced plan of the company for 2014, the company reports.

At the same tome, the fall of the production in a number of the company’s departments was much higher. For example, Mirny mining complex (GOK) reduced the production by 17% to 6.088 million carats. The company explained such a strong drop with complex hydrogeological conditions in the underground mine of the Mir pipe, as well as renovations. After completing the repair, Mirny GOK dramatically increased the production volumes - in the fourth quarter of 2014, 2.438 million carats were produced here that is almost four times more than in the third quarter.

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