In H1, Alrosa sold diamonds for record sum of $2.8 billion

The Alrosa parent company remains the leader in sales of diamonds both in cash equivalent and carats. In H1, it sold over 13.3 million carats for nearly $2 billion. Alrosa – Nyurba is the second with 4.79 million carats for $443.2 million. The commodities’ price increased by 7.4% in comparison to the beginning of the year.

In H1, Alrosa sold diamonds for a record sum of $2.8 billion (+10% versus H1 2013).

The Vice President of the company Y. Okoemov says that the raw material sales for jewelery and technical purpose was over 21 million carats. Technical raw material sales increased by 63% to $65.5 million. Jewelery diamond sales increased by 11% to $2.684 billion, sharing the most in the profit .Revenue from diamond sales was $75 million versus $74.8 million.

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