Development of difficult oil reserves to start in the Tomsk region

The first Russian experimental ground for developing the technologies of difficult reserves extraction will be created on the basis of the Archinskoye fields in the Tomsk region. This was reported by deputy head of the Gazprom’s Department of Transportation, Underground Storage and Utilization of Gas, Alexander Ishkov at the meeting of the federal working group on realization of the concept of "INO Tomsk '2020".

As a result of the works, a technique of the search and localization of difficult reserves and their increase in industrial development must be obtained. Governor of the Tomsk region Sergei Zhvachkin said that the landfill will be the first ground on difficult reserves of hydrocarbons in Russia.

"Only 30% of hydrocarbon reserves have been extracted in the region, it is a crime to leave 70% of the oil in the subsoil. We must get the technologies and the money, extracting the sources that we now simply barbarically bury in the ground,"- said the Governor Sergei Zhvachkin.

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