Japan to be ready to take up to 30% of the gas it consumes from Russia

Japan is ready to receive up to 30% of its natural gas consumption from Russia, but there is a number of unclear issues for Tokyo concerning Russian projects, aimed at gas supplies to markets of the Asia-Pacific region, the research assistant of the research centre Tokyo Foundation and analyst in the energy field ,Taisuke Abiru reported to journalists.

According to him, there is a number of issues the concerning projects of Rosneft, Gazprom and Novatek, tied up with liquefied natural gas, which are not clear enough. “Japan seeks to extend the cooperation with Russia in the energy field and welcomes it. At present, while the Russian party won’t cast light on problems in this field, it is difficult to expect that the Japanese party will invest in it. This is the opinion as of Japanese analysts, as well as of representatives of the business,” – the analyst noted.

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