Construction of a new LPG park has started at Omsk oil refinery

​Gazprom Neft has started the construction of a new park of LPG at the Omsk oil refinery. The assembly of the main equipment is over at the site. The automated terminal with the volume of 2 thousand cubic m will replace the existing technological capacities on the preparation and shipment of liquefied gas. It is planned to complete the construction-assembly and start-up and commissioning works in June 2016.

The new object is designed taking into account the requirements of industrial and ecological safety and will be equipped with the modern automation systems, systems of diagnostics and emergency protection. The assembly of the pumping equipment is over.

With the launch of the new park a single terminal on the storage, preparation and dispatch of saleable products will start at the park.

Re-equipment of the PLG loading hub will expand the opportunities of shipment of propane and technical butane directly to consumers.

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