Cherepovets metal works has formed orders portfolio for March

The Cherepovets metal works, one of the world largest integrated steel smelting plants, a member of Severstal Russian Steel has formed its orders portfolio for March, and has maximally loaded the rolling capacities of the enterprise. The orders portfolio has been formed of the best most margin products for all perspective markets where the growth in metal consumption is awaited this year.

The full loading of the production capacities and growth in rolled steel prices at the global market give the enterprise the opportunity to raise  prices for its products at the Russian market. In February, the plant increase price for hot rolled steel dispatched in March by 2%, and cold rolled steel by 3%.

This year the company will present its new branded products for the construction sector and rustproof steel sorts for fuel and energy sector and housing utilities and services. The sales policy of the company will be based first of all on the enlargement of the market share  in domestic regions, in primary products and unique sorts. They will continue the work on the improvement of client service, including the  broadening of its technical support service. The active use of its own distribution network will promote realization of the targets set. The company sees the main prospects for further development and improvement inthe construction sector, car building, machine building and fuel and energy sector.

Translated by Nadezhda Poltoratskaya


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