Board of Gazprom Neft to elect its chairman

The Board of Directors of Gazprom Neft OJSC will elect the chairman today.

The Board of Directors of Gazprom Neft OJSC was reelected on Feb 22nd 2013. Its new structure comprises: ex-President of the Russia’s Football Union, S. Fursenko; ex-Governor of the Leningrad region, V. Serdyukov; head of the gas, gas condensate and oil production of Gazprom, V. Cherepanov; chairman of Gazprom OAO, A. Miller; first deputy head of the department of law of Gazprom, V. Alisov; deputy chairman of Gazprom, V. Golubev; head of the department of law of Gazprom, N. Dubik; CEO of Gazprom Neft, A. Dyukov; deputy chairman – head of financial and economic department of Gazprom, A. Kruglov; first deputy head of the marketing, gas and liquid hydrocarbons processing department of Gazprom, A. Mikheev; head of the marketing, gas and liquid hydrocarbons processing department of Gazprom, K. Sleeznev; deputy CEO for corporate and property relations of Gazprom Mezhregiongas LLC, E. Mikhailova.

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