Rosneft aims at an aggressive strategy in the field of M&A deals and not only in Russia

As the Vedomosti reported, one of the largest oil-processing companies in Europe,the Polish PKN Orlen offered Rosneft to conclude a long-term contract on supply of oil via the Druzhba pipeline. Besides, PNK has offered to Rosneft to buy a share in the company and the Lithuanian refinery Mazeikiu with maximum capacity of 15 million tons per year and to implement a joint project on sale of oil products en route of Berlin-Warszawa-Brest under brand of Rosneft. Let’s recall, during the economic forum in St. Petersburg last week Rosneft and PKN signed a long-term contract on oil supply to the Czech Republic via the Druzhba pipeline for 3 years from July 1, 2013. The value of the deal is $7 billion, and volume of supplies is up to 8 million tons (2.6 million tons per year). PKN Orlen is the oil-processing company, which owns several refineries in Poland, Czech Republic and Lithuania (the total capacity of assets is 28 million tons per year).

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