Rosneft looks for fuel for $15 million for Ukrainian network of filling stations

TNK- Industries Ukraina (part of Rosneft) has announced a tender for the purchase of gasoline of A-92, A-95 and diesel fuel for delivery to the Ukrainian market. Rosneft allocated more than $15 million for these needs. This is reported on the website of the Russian state-owned company.

According to the tender documents and technical task, the company looks for a supplier of 8.5 tons of diesel fuel. More than $7 966 thousand are allocated for this procurement. $4546 thousand are allocated for the purchase of 3.9 thousand tons of A-95 gasoline and $2558 thousand for the purchase of 2.2 thousand tons of A-92. Applications may be submitted until 18:00 (Kiev time) on June 2.

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