There is enough Russian gas to meet the demand both in Europe and in Asia – the RF Energy Minister

Alexander Novak, the Head of the RF Ministry of Energy, gave an interview to the German newspaper "Handelsblatt", in which, inter alia, he stated that the terms of contracts between European and Russian parties would be respected, and Russia did not intend to leave the European market. He did not express the particular concern regarding the declared intention of the EU to diversify the energy imports and to reduce the energy dependence on its Eastern partner, saying that it is not the first application for many years, and, nevertheless, it is unlikely that the EU has a real opportunity to make such a step.

He also added that he was not concerned about the prospects of the shale gas supplies from the United States. Regarding the last transaction of the Russian Federation with the PRC the Minister stated that it would not affect the supplies to Europe, Russia has enough gas reserves to ensure both Asia, and Europe. Regarding the relations with Ukraine, he reported possible discounts if the Ukrainian side is willing to fully pay for the existing debt.

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