Novatek considers possibility to supply gas to the Moscow region

"In accordance with our strategy, we provide Russian regions with gas for the third year in a row. In the wake of rising production, we consider the possibility to extend our regional supplies. Today, we fully provide the Chelyabinsk and Kostroma regions and consider other regions, as we must understand today where we will supply gas in 2-3 years. The Moscow region’s market is very interesting, itis the fastest growing market in Russia, so we see job prospects in the region," - said the company’s head L.Mikhelson.

Mikhelson also added that gradual alignment of tariffs for transportation and gas sales margins to different regions of Russia in recent time.

As a result, the supply of central Russia became interesting for the company.

"We are ready to expand the geography of the supplies and on account of other regions," - said the Novatek’s head.

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