Licenses of the Trebs and Titov fields may be taken away from Bashneft because of 3D exploration

By results of the inspection, the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resource Usage has advised the Federal Agency on Subsoil Usage to revoke licenses of the Trebs and Titov fields in the Nenets Autonomous Districts from Bashneft, the RBK daily reports on Monday. The reason is the use of the 3D exploration instead of the prescribed 2D one at some areas.

The Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resource Usage found 141 violations by results of the inspection of fulfillment of the licenses conditions by Bashneft, the RBK daily transmits, referring to the Service. By results of the inspection, the controller advised the Federal Agency on Subsoil Usage to revoke or suspend a number of the company’s licenses. The license of the Trebs and Titov fields is in the list too.

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