In Q1 the Ukrainian sea ports reduced oil products transshipment by 73%

​In Q1 the Ukrainian sea ports reduced oil products transshipment by 73.1% to 452.23 thousand tons against Q1 2015.

The import transshipment of oil products fell by 51% to 89.8 thousand tons, export – by 80.1% to 8.14 thousand tons, transit transshipment of oil products fell by 75.9% to 348.65 thousand tons, coastal - by 49.1% to 5.64 thousand tons.

The largest volumes of oil products transshipment in Q1 took place at the Nikolayevsky port (188.4 thousand tons, -27.3%), Odessa port (152.53 thousand tons, - 86.7%) and Yuzhny port (51.13 thousand tons,  - 73.3%).

In Q1 2016 “Southern railroad”, regional branch of Ukrzaliznytsa, shipped 298 thousand tons of oil products, by 51% more than in Q1 2015.

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