Gazprom has appealed the rejection to appeal the fine in the Ukraine

​The opposition of Gazprom and the Antimonopoly Committee of the Ukraine is escalating. Gazprom has appealed the decision of the Economic Court of Kiev to return it without the consideration the claim with the fine of almost 86 bln grivnas (over $3 bln) imposed on February 12th.

The Economic Court of Kiev decided to return the claim without any consideration. This decision was appealed, now the materials are in the Kiev Economic Court of Appeal.

The claim of appeal of Gazprom was made on April 25th.

Until that Gazprom had appealed the decision of the Antimonopoly Committee of the Ukraine on April 12th – the last day it could be done. However, in 2 days the Economic Court of Kiev returned the claim to the claimant without any consideration.

Gazprom was considered to have made the claim of appeal in the incorrect form – it didn’t submit the proof of authorities of the claimant that signed the claim.

The Antimonopoly Committee of the Ukraine fined Gazprom for 85.86 bln grivnas for the abuse of its monopoly position in the gas transit market. Gazprom was supposed to make the payment until April 12th. Gazprom was surprised by the imposed fine as it doesn’t hold entrepreneurship activity in the Ukraine transferring gas to Naftogas on the border with Russia.

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