Gazprom denies making serious changes in the contracts with Engie and Uniper

​Gazprom hasn’t introduced changes in the contracts with Engie and Uniper, the deputy chairman, A. Medvedev, said.

Previously “Gazprom export” said that it had changed the existing contracts with Engie and Uniper to meet the current prices.

In mid April Kommersant wrote that Gazprom changes the formula of price forming in the long-term contracts with European companies.

Gas price was connected to the value of the basket of oil products. Now Gazprom turns to the price making focusing on spot prices for gas in Europe.

This agreement was the result of the negotiations on the termination of Arbitration investigations on gas contracts with 2 participants of Nord Stream-2 – E.On. previously on the results of such disputes Gazprom paid compensation to its clients.

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