Sakhalin Energy shipped over 10 million tons of LNG for export in 2010 within the framework of Sakhalin-2 project

Sakhalin Energy (the operator of Sakhalin-2) shipped over 10 million tons of liquefied natural gas for export in 2010. The consumers got 154 lots of LNG in total, the chairman of Shell (27.5% in Sakhalin Energy) in Russia Ch.Watson stated to the corporate edition of OAO “Gazprom” (key shareholder of Sakhalin Energy), RBK reports.

He noticed that there have been shipped 81 lots of LNG (5.6 million tons) to consumers since 2009. Ch.Watson has also noted that there has been attracted about $6.7 billion to Sakhalin-2 since 2008 within the frame of project financing. “It is a record high for Russia,” he said.

He has also noticed that the shareholders of the Salymsky project have reached success and the production increased by 8% there last year. There were drilled about 100 of new wells at the Salymsky deposits.

As it was already stated, Sakhalin Energy expects LNG production to make up 10.8 million tons, oil production– about 6 million tons within the project. Sakhalin Energy supplies liquefied natural gas to Japan and Korea.

The plant on LNG production in Sakhalin was constructed within the framework of the project Sakhalin-2 with a processing capability to create the third stage. The shareholders of the plant discussed the question concerning its expansion and said that the company is able to do it within short period of time, if necessary. The enterprise was launched in November 2009.

Translated by Iraida Idiyatova



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