Kazakhstan intends to export energy to China

Kazakhstan was going to become a major exporter of electricity in China: the countries are in talks to build a powerful transmission line, which will allow Kazakhstan to deliver up to 6 GW from coal-fired thermal power stations to the northwest of China. Formally, these supplies won’t compete with Russian export, which is carried out only in the Far East. But experts and market participants say that it’s too early to discuss the prospects of the Kazakh energy export.

Kazakhstan and China are negotiating on construction of power grid infrastructure, which will allow Kazakhstan to export up to 6 GW to China, the Energy Minister of Kazakhstan Vladimir Shkolnik reported yesterday. According to him, the issue of the construction of direct-current lines with capacity of 700 kV from Ekibastuz to Hami (Xinjiang Uyghur autonomous region of China) is considered. According to Mr. Shkolnik, the negotiation process is difficult, but when agreement on the price of electricity, necessary amount and other matters are achieved, the conditions for the construction of new power plants using Turgai and Ekibastuz coals will be created.

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