Hungary stops reverse gas supply to the Ukraine

The operator of the Hungarian gas transporting system FGSZ has suspended gas supply to the Ukraine for the time being. It is said on the web-site of the company.

The gas supply to the Ukraine stopped at 6 p.m. (local time) on September 25th. “The cause of the suspension is the increasing domestic demand for gas since September 26, 2014,” is said in a statement.

“In order to provide gas security and keep up the balance, the operation of the gas pipeline was to be changed in the way it could operate for the needs of our country,” it is said in a statement.

Hungary started reverse gas supply to the Ukraine in March 2013. Under the agreements, FGSZ was to supply 6.1 billion cubic meters of gas a year to the Ukraine (16.8 mln.cubic meters a day). But the supplies meant “interrupted mode depending on the current commercial and technical requirements”.

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