Europe to force the Ukraine to pay.

The analysts believe that the next round of talks between Russia, Ukraine and the EU will not be the last.

The next round of the EU-Ukraine-Russia tripartite talks on gas will be held on September 26th in Berlin, Germany. The last meeting in the same structure was held on June 16th and ended with nothing - the same day Russia cut off the gas supplies to the Ukraine, demanding the repayment of $ 2 billion (out of the debt accumulated at the time $ 5.3 billion). The Ukraine did not agree with these requirements, and the parties filed counterclaims in the Stockholm arbitration court.

The Russian side proposed to resume the supplies to the Ukraine at $ 385 per thousand cubic meters of gas during the pending of the law suit, but only after the Ukraine pays part of the debt for 2013 ($ 1.45 billion), as well as transfers the money for gas delivered in April-June 2014 (including the discount of $ 100 per thousand cubic meters). The Ukraine, in turn, paid only € 780 million at the end of May and continued to insist on a lower price: $ 300 per thousand cubic meters - in summer and $ 380 - in winter. Meanwhile, Europe supported the Russian position on the requirements of the debt payment by the Ukraine and called the price of $ 350-385 per thousand cubic meters fair.

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